Natural Alkalizer / Ionizer Mineralizer & Oxidation Whole House System

SKU: CQE-WH-08007
Regular price $1,229.00

An essential system for enhancing water quality in your home; expertly designed to alkalize, ionize, and mineralize, delivering healthier, pH-balanced water.

  • Alkalization and Ionization: Raises pH levels, reducing acidity and providing healthful alkaline water.
  • Mineralization: Infuses water with natural calcium, magnesium, and potassium ions for improved health benefits.
  • Four-Stage Filtration: Includes a blend of natural minerals and infrared balls, followed by natural carbonate media.
  • Whole House System: Treats all incoming water, enhancing pH and alkalinity for all household uses.
  • Health Benefits: Reduces body acidity and enhances water with essential minerals.
  • Low Maintenance: Designed for easy upkeep and long-lasting performance.
  • Eco-Friendly and Safe: Uses natural media, ensuring toxin-free and environmentally friendly operation.
Cubic Feet of Resin
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Water Travels Through 4 Stages

Stage 1 & 2 - Water will go through a special blend of natural minerals and infrared balls.
Stage 3 & 4 - Water will then go through a special blend of natural carbonate media which will alkalize/ionize and mineralize the water and raise the pH level of your water. This process will reduce acidity in the body and will produce natural calcium, magnesium, and potassium ions that can be absorbed 100% in the human body.

Whole House Water Enhancers & Neutralizers

Recommended to enhance pH & alkalinity in low PH and/or acidic water

Acidity (Low PH)

Water with a low pH can be acidic, soft, and corrosive. Acidic waters are often used for drinking & household use because they are odorless and almost tasteless, however, they are low in buffering calcium minerals and contain dissolved carbon-dioxide gas, which can cause a low pH and acid condition in the body. Signs of acid water are corrosion of fixtures, pinhole leaks in plumbing, and blue staining (from copper pipes) or rust staining (from iron pipes). This water can leach metals such as copper, iron, lead, manganese, and zinc. It not only causes damage to hardware, but causes other problems like the taste (such as a metallic or sour taste), and aesthetic (such as laundry staining). Acidity cannot be removed completely from water, however, it can be neutralized by raising the pH with alkalinity. Treat the problem of acidic, low pH drinking water with a neutralizer.

Alkalinity (High pH)

Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acids. Alkalinity is primarily due to the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate, and hydroxide ions. Alkalinity acts as a pH buffer to deactivate acidity. Water with a high alkalinity may have an offensive taste. These filters are tanks filled with a media blend of calcium and magnesium carbonates made from naturally occurring minerals. This media slowly dissolves into the water, raising the pH and making it less corrosive. One of the most important benefits of alkaline water (besides increasing the pH) is that it lowers Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP).

* The pH of your drinking water reflects how acidic it is. pH stands for ‘potential hydrogen’, referring to the amount of hydrogen mixed with the water.




* All parts, components, and media are Certified


Filter Media Volume 1.5 cubic feet 2.0 cubic feet
Capacity (gallons) 1,000,000
Service Flow (GPM) 9-11 10-13
Dimensions 10" x 54" 12" x 52"
Material Fiberglass Fiberglass
Backwash Automatic/Manual/None Automatic/Manual/None

Consumable Parts

Product Name SKU

 Ionizer Multimedia


Product Manual



Water Travels Through 4 Stages

Stage 1 & 2 - Water will go through a special blend of natural minerals and infrared balls.
Stage 3 & 4 - Water will then go through a special blend of natural carbonate media which will alkalize/ionize and mineralize the water and raise the pH level of your water. This process will reduce acidity in the body and will produce natural calcium, magnesium, and potassium ions that can be absorbed 100% in the human body.

Whole House Water Enhancers & Neutralizers

Recommended to enhance pH & alkalinity in low PH and/or acidic water

Acidity (Low PH)

Water with a low pH can be acidic, soft, and corrosive. Acidic waters are often used for drinking & household use because they are odorless and almost tasteless, however, they are low in buffering calcium minerals and contain dissolved carbon-dioxide gas, which can cause a low pH and acid condition in the body. Signs of acid water are corrosion of fixtures, pinhole leaks in plumbing, and blue staining (from copper pipes) or rust staining (from iron pipes). This water can leach metals such as copper, iron, lead, manganese, and zinc. It not only causes damage to hardware, but causes other problems like the taste (such as a metallic or sour taste), and aesthetic (such as laundry staining). Acidity cannot be removed completely from water, however, it can be neutralized by raising the pH with alkalinity. Treat the problem of acidic, low pH drinking water with a neutralizer.

Alkalinity (High pH)

Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acids. Alkalinity is primarily due to the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate, and hydroxide ions. Alkalinity acts as a pH buffer to deactivate acidity. Water with a high alkalinity may have an offensive taste. These filters are tanks filled with a media blend of calcium and magnesium carbonates made from naturally occurring minerals. This media slowly dissolves into the water, raising the pH and making it less corrosive. One of the most important benefits of alkaline water (besides increasing the pH) is that it lowers Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP).

* The pH of your drinking water reflects how acidic it is. pH stands for ‘potential hydrogen’, referring to the amount of hydrogen mixed with the water.




* All parts, components, and media are Certified


Filter Media Volume 1.5 cubic feet 2.0 cubic feet
Capacity (gallons) 1,000,000
Service Flow (GPM) 9-11 10-13
Dimensions 10" x 54" 12" x 52"
Material Fiberglass Fiberglass
Backwash Automatic/Manual/None Automatic/Manual/None

Consumable Parts

Product Name SKU

 Ionizer Multimedia


Product Manual


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