15 Products
Collection: Fluoride Water Filters & Fluoride Removal
Fluoride (F-) is a common constituent of many minerals. It is voluntarily added to some drinking water systems as a public health measure for reducing the incidence of cavities.
Although helpful for dental health in low dosages, chronic exposure to fluoride in large amounts interferes with bone formation. Recently, water fluoridation has even been linked to higher ADHD rates. Read what Newsweek had to say here. Municipal water treatment plants commonly add fluoride to the water for prevention of tooth decay, and they try to maintain a level of 1.5 - 2.5 mg/l. Concentrations above 5 mg/l are detrimental to tooth structure. High concentrations are contained in waste water from the manufacture of glass and steel, as well as from foundry operations. Organic fluorine is present in vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Inorganic fluorine, under the name of sodium fluoride, is a waste product of aluminum and is used in some rat poisons. The MCL established for drinking water by the US EPA is 4 mg/l.
Fluoride found in ground water happens naturally from the breakdown of rocks and soils or weathering and deposition of atmospheric volcanic particles. Fluoride can also come from runoff and infiltration of chemical fertilizers in agricultural areas, septic and sewage treatment system discharge in communities with fluoridated water supplies, and liquid waste from industrial sources.
*These Fluoride Systems and Media will accommodate for fluoride removal from municipal water that consists of inorganic fluoride. If fluoride is organic or from natural water sources such as a well please speak with a Crystal Quest® Associate for system recommendation.
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