4 Products
Collection: Metal Removal Whole House Water Filters
Iron (Fe) & Manganese (Mn) are metallic elements present in many types of rock. Most groundwater contains some iron and manganese which naturally leaches from rocks and soils. Excess amounts in drinking water can cause discolored water, bad bitter tastes, and rust flakes in the water, as well as rusty-brown stains or black specks on fixtures and laundry. Excess amounts may also affect the taste of beverages and can build up deposits in pipes, heaters or pressure tanks. When iron is oxidized it leaves unsightly rings of pink rust around swimming pools, bathtubs, and toilets.
Hydrogen Sulfide, which causes a “rotten egg” odor, can also be released from the soil by the same conditions (low dissolved oxygen and low pH) that cause iron and manganese to dissolve in water. Hydrogen sulfide is frequently found in water with excessive iron and manganese.
Crystal Quest® Whole House Metal Removal Water Filters contain naturally mined ore of manganese dioxide, which has been used in water treatment for more than 75 years for hydrogen sulfide, iron, and manganese reduction. It functions as a catalyst, but itself remains relatively unchanged. It works on a principle whereby the hydrogen sulfide, iron, and manganese are oxidized and trapped on the media. Simple backwashing cleans the filter. No regeneration is required. Nothing is imparted into the drinking water and it has a high capacity for low contaminant concentrations and can be used in conjunction with aeration, chlorination, ozone or other pretreatment methods for difficult applications. Chlorine or other oxidants accelerate the catalytic reaction.
To inquire about the right water filtration system for you, please email help@crystalquest.com or call 1-800-934-0051