25 Products
Collection: Industrial Water Filtration for Mining, Oil & Gas Production

Proudly filtering water for
surface & subsurface mining, hydraulic mining, fracking, offshore drilling, deep well drilling, derrick drilling, natural gas, petroleum, refineries & pipelines
OIL & GAS Drilling/extraction:
"Oil and Gas Extraction is the exploration and production of petroleum and natural gas from wells. The industry generates wastewater from the water extracted from the geological formations and from chemicals used during exploration, well drilling and production of oil and gas."
- Environmental Protection Agency. Learn more about Effluent Guidelines.
"Mining water use is water used for the extraction of minerals that may be in the form of solids, such as coal, iron, sand, and quartz; liquids, such as crude petroleum; and gases, such as natural gas. The category includes quarrying, milling (crushing, screening, washing, and flotation of mined materials), re-injecting extracted water for secondary oil recovery, and other operations associated with mining activities.
The United States now produces a wide variety of mined commodities from gold to coal to "exotic" minerals used in everything from pharmaceuticals to jewelry to high-tech products. All these products would not be possible without the use of water in mining."
- USGS. Learn more about Water in Mining Processes.
Why is clean water so important in mining?
Environmental issues from mining can include erosion, formation of sinkholes, harm to the surrounding eco-system, and most importantly, contamination of gound water, surface water & the soil by chemicals from mining processes. With Crystal Quest®, achieve the water quality you need for the above applications.
Environmental Protection
Tailing waste filtration
Law Compliance
Water Conservation/Sustainability
Cost reduction in water usage (cheaper to heat clean water; pipes last longer; etc.)
Consistency in production
Sanitation/Super cleanliness (liability reduction)
Sustainability & consistency of vendor
Clean water for workers (off shore)
Customized Solution (with our consultation)
For Peak Filtration:
- Reverse Osmosis for Fresh Water: The Highest Level of Filtration to remove impurities & contaminants, heavy metals & unwanted by-products to achieve the highest water quality.
- Reverse Osmosis for Brackish Water: If the drilling location is on an island or close to the coast/estuary, a custom VIPER system is recommended.
- Reverse Osmosis for Sea Water: Also known as Desalinaiton. If you are off-shore, a custom SHARK System would be recommended.
To remove specific contaminants that would leach into the ground water & soil, a Specialty System would be needed:
Fluoride, Arsenic, Nitrate, Iron, Turbidity, Tannin, or for Acid Neutralizing.
Additional Filtration Options:
- SMART Technology Systems: Premium Filtration using our unique, house-blend of medias to remove contaminants, heavy metals & unwanted by-products & prevent bacteria growth.
- Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Systems: Basic, cost-efficient removal of contaminants, heavy metals & unwanted by-products.
Water Softener: Remove unwanted water hardness. Softeners can be bought stand-alone or in conjunction with one of the above POE filtration systems.
To inquire about the right water filtration system for your organization, please email commercial@crystalquest.com or call 1-800-934-0051