46 Products
Collection: Commercial & Industrial Food & Beverage Production

Food Production:
Dairies, Confectionaries, Sugar Refineries, Large-scale Bakeries, Bottling Plants, Canneries, Meat Packing, Fish & Seafood Processing
Benefits Sought:
Safe, clean, consistency in flavor
Consistency in production
Sanitation & cleanliness (also liability reduction)
Cleaner laundry & no staining on aprons or cloth towels from contaminated water
Longevity of machines (i.e. dishwasher, laundry, water heater)
Cost reduction in water usage (cheaper to heat clean water, no worry of harmful contaminants leaching into the water from pipes & pipes last longer)
Customized Solution (with our consultation)
Alcohol & Drink Production:
Wine Production, Alcohol Distilleries, Beer/Sour Beer Breweries, Cideries, Sake or Kombucha Brewing, Large-scale Fountain Beverage Production
Benefits Sought:
Chemistry/pH balance
Formula Precision
Consistency in Production
Overall taste of the final product
Cost reduction in water usage (cheaper to heat clean water; pipes last longer; etc.)
Sanitation & Super Cleanliness (liability reduction)
Customized Solution (with our consultation)
Systems can be Creatively Customized for aesthetics. Ex: Building a Reverse Osmosis System in a keg or wine barrel for discrete & creative filtration.
Food & Beverage Services:
Restaurants, Lounges, Nightclubs, Bars, Tea & Coffee Shops, Expresso & Kava Bars, Ice Creameries, Specialty Foods - Patisseries, Small Bakeries, Cupcake & Donut Shops
Benefits Sought:
Marketing value
Satisfied customers
Consistency in production
Sanitation & Super cleanliness (liability reduction)
Bringing an 'attention to detail factor' to your shop, restaurant, or bar. Everyone appreciates clean water!
No water spots on silverware, glasses & dishes
No staining on aprons, cloth napkins, or dish towels from contaminated water
Longevity of machines (dishwasher, laundry)
Cost reduction in water usage (cheaper to heat clean water; pipes last longer; etc.)
Eliminate the need for bottled water that contributes to environmental waste
Customized Solution (with our consultation)
For Peak Filtration:
- THUNDER® Series: Reverse Osmosis for Fresh Water. Reverse Osmosis provides the Highest Level of Filtration to remove impurities & contaminants, heavy metals & unwanted by-products to achieve the highest water quality.
- VIPER Series & SHARK Series: Learn more about Reverse Osmosis for Brackish Water or Reverse Osmosis for Sea Water (also known as Desalination) if you are on an island or close to the coast/estuary.
Additional Filtration Options:
- SMART Technology Systems: Premium Filtration using our unique, house-blend of medias to remove contaminants, heavy metals & unwanted by-products & prevent bacteria growth.
- Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Systems: Basic, cost-efficient removal of contaminants, heavy metals & unwanted by-products.
Additional Needs:
- Water Softener: Remove unwanted water hardness which contributes to poor flavor. Softeners can be bought stand-alone or in conjunction with one of the above filtration systems.
- Specific Contaminant Removal can be necessary depending on the location of the water source and age of pipes. Fluoride, Arsenic, Nitrate, Iron, Turbidity, Tannin, or for Acid Neutralizing.
- Bottle-less Water Coolers. Save on plastic waste & provide easy, clean water for your staff.
To inquire about the right water filtration system for your organization, please email commercial@crystalquest.com or call 1-800-934-0051