- What is hard water and why soften it?
Hard water contains a high percentage of dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium and multivalent cations. Hard water can produce scale, which is caused by these minerals clumping, and this can harm your internal plumbing, pipes and household appliances.
- Are hard water and soft water safe to drink, cook with, and bathe in?
Most American households have hard water, and unless it has specific contaminants in it considered to be harmful, it is generally safe for consumption. Soft water is also safe, but many softeners are sodium-based (salt-based), which might increase sodium intake levels.
- What is the difference between Eagle Soft® and salt-based softeners?
Eagle Soft is salt-free, using neither sodium nor potassium. The process of our salt-free water softener is template-assisted crystallization, which takes hard water (calcium and magnesium) and transforms the ions into microscopic nano crystals. Eagle Soft Salt-Free Softeners do not add anything or remove anything from the water.
- What is the difference between soft water and filtered water?
Softening water does not address contaminants which may be present in the water. Adding a filtration unit to the softening system will address issues such as chlorine, chloramine, THM, heavy metals, fluoride, arsenic, sediment, etc. A filter works by water passing through media to bond with or oxidize contaminants.
- How will having soft water benefit me and my family?
Eagle Soft retains important naturally occurring minerals in the water, especially calcium and magnesium. Money can be saved using less soap and detergent. Scale is addressed in your appliances, plumbing and pipes so they can last longer.
- If calcium is left in the water, will I have water spots on my dishes?
Eagle Soft converts bicarbonate into carbonate which does not adhere to fixtures and appliances. If your water hardness is high, when dried on dishes you could still have spots, but unlike bicarbonate it can easily be wiped off.
- How does the system treat hardness, scaling, TDS levels?
Eagle Soft converts bicarbonate into carbonate. The system does not remove hard minerals. It uses the water flow to alter the charge of hard mineral ions. Thus, they do not clump together and scale buildup is inhibited. TDS levels do not change.
- How long does the system last and how will I know when to replace it?
The system should last several years, depending on the size of the system you are purchasing and the level of media softener inside. Normally each liter has a capacity of anywhere between 5-10 years. The system should be replaced after this period of time is calculated or a water test can be done to determine the condition of the water.
- Who should install my Eagle Soft system?
A certified, licensed plumber should install the system to ensure proper installation.