So what does it mean when there's a metal called lead in your water?
What is Lead?
Lead (Pb) is a soft and heavy metal used in a surprisingly wide range of industrial applications and processes. It's a very toxic neurotoxin that can build up in both soft tissue and bone, causing problems with the brain and nervous system. Lead poisoning is especially deadly for youngsters who are still developing. It is most usually transmitted to humans by the intake of infected water and food, although it can also be transmitted through inhalation and direct touch.
Lead is a heavy metal with a heavier density than most other metals. Part of the solution to the problem of lead is to replace ions. To keep this media performing at its best, it must be regenerated* on a regular basis, renewing its ability to remove lead from water. Your automatic control valve regenerates on a weekly basis, according to a specified date and time.
How does Lead get into drinking water?
Unfortunately, polluted drinking water is one of the most prevalent ways to become infected. Lead pipes, fittings, and solder were often utilized in homes and buildings built before 1986. Over time, water, particularly more acidic water, corrodes ancient pipes and fixtures like these, releasing lead into the water system. (The Flint, Michigan water crisis was a large-scale example of this type of issue.) The water supply was not poisoned; rather, the water was corroding ancient plumbing, resulting in lead seeping into the water.
Lead is colorless, odorless, and tasteless once dissolved, making it extremely difficult to detect without adequate testing. The EPA has established a zero maximum contamination level goal for lead since it is so hazardous and difficult to detect. They propose that you test your water for lead contamination on a regular basis and use a lead-free water filter.
How much lead is in the water source?
You might consider a variety of options for lowering lead levels. This may entail replacing fixtures and pipelines that may be contributing to the presence of lead in the water, as well as the installation of chemical corrosion control treatment. The program you choose should be carried out in compliance with the EPA's, Connecticut's Department of Public Health (DPH), and your local health department's regulations.
Lead is found in numerous locations in nature, though usually only in trace levels. Lead may be present in reservoirs or rivers that supply drinking water, but not at levels high enough to pose a health risk.
Parts of pipe networks, on the other hand, can contain lead, and if such pipes corrode over time and through heavy use, lead can enter the water flowing through them.
Water is delivered to a household via service lines from a bigger source. If the inside plumbing has outdated lead piping that transports water to the faucet, there may be concerns.
How does lead affect the body and brain?
Important Facts
• Lead is a cumulative toxin that affects various body systems and is especially dangerous to children under the age of six.
• Lead is dispersed throughout the body, including the brain, liver, kidneys, and bones. It's stored in the teeth and bones and builds up over time. The amount of lead in a person's blood is commonly used to determine their exposure.
• Lead in bone is released into the bloodstream during pregnancy, exposing the growing fetus.
• There is no known threshold of lead exposure that is without adverse effects, and lead exposure can be avoided.
Lead is a cumulative general poison, with infants, children up to 6 years of age, the fetus and pregnant women being the most susceptible to adverse health effects. Its effects on the central nervous system can be particularly serious.
According to the CDC, there is no known safe blood level for young children, all sources of lead exposure should be limited or eliminated. Because lead can be detrimental to human health even at low exposure levels, the EPA has set a zero maximum contamination level goal for drinking water.
Lead is a hazardous metal that can build in the body over time and is persistent in the environment. The risk varies based on the person, the water's chemical composition, and the amount taken. Because of the considerable volume of water, they eat compared to their body, infants who drink formula made with lead-contaminated tap water may be at a higher risk of exposure.
What you can do to avoid lead in your drinking water.
Lead may be present in residential plumbing materials. Because lead dissolved in water cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled, testing is the only way to find out if your drinking water has dangerous amounts of lead. A list of certified laboratories can be obtained from your state or municipal drinking water authority. Find out if your company has a lead service line. To find out if the pipe connecting your home to the water main (known as a service line) is made of lead, contact your water company or a licensed plumber.
Turn on the faucet. Run the water, take a shower, do laundry, or do a load of dishes before drinking to flush your home's pipes. Whether or not your home has a lead service line, as well as the length of the lead service line, will determine how long it takes to run the water. Residents should contact their local water provider for advice on flushing times in their area.
Choosing a water filtration system is a vital step in reducing or removing toxins from tap water, such as chlorine, heavy metals, and lead, so you can enjoy the freshest flavor possible.
Consider your flow rate and pollutant level when selecting a system. A greater GPM (Gallons Per Minute) system is required if you have a larger household with a higher amount of pollutants. A smaller residence with fewer impurities will necessitate a lower GPM system.
At Crystal Quest, we have a number of systems that would be ideal for your home and would remove a significant level of lead traces from your water. Please do not hesitate to contact one of our knowledgeable representatives via phone or email.
If you live in a major city, finding out what's in your water is simple as a search on the EPA's website by your zip code.
If you are on well water, call 800-934-0051 to fill out our quick questionnaire over the phone to get a recommendation from one of our top water specialists.
If you were unable to find your City's Water Report, please contact us at 800-934-0051 to find out more information.